Tim Traill
Managing Director
Construction industry experience and runs feed mill with Binder biomass steam boiler which he conceived and installed.
Pioneered construction of Tyrone Energy’s 2.7MW Waste to Energy biomass powerstation.
Unrivalled practical knowledge of the biomass waste-to-energy supply chain and its role in a multi-source energy infrastructure, including issues that multi-type energy sources present to grid operation.

Tony Traill
Operations Director
Tony has over 25 years experience in the construction industry and has a vast array of experience ranging from award-winning Low Carbon building design to Industrial Energy Efficiency.
Tony is experienced in InvestNI client resource efficiency studies, including energy efficiency, renewable energy generation, water efficiency, waste water treatment. Tony has also worked on ESOS Opportunities Assessments. A specialist in sympathetic energy upgrades in Historic Houses, Tony is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Building and an affiliate of CIBSE.
Tony has been providing systems design services to a number of large estates to help them utilise their resources to become sustainable, including the deployment of AD, District heating, Solar and other technologies, always underpinned by a strong Metering, Monitoring and Control.

Alastair Nicol
Technical Director
Ali Nicol is an experienced Chartered Engineer who has unrivalled experience in the industrial application of biomass, steam, compressed air and many other areas. He project managed Tyrone Energy’s 2.7MW EfW biomass power station.
Ali is an ESOS Lead Assessor and is a council member of the Combustion Engineering Association and the Energy Institute, Ali regularly lectures on Biomass and related topics including Health & Safety.
Ali has written the Biomass Guide for Invest NI.
Ali has been advising Northern Ireland Water for over 5 years on their energy reduction programme. Ali has unrivalled water industry knowledge from the perspective of reducing the industry's very high energy burden.

David Reade
Finance Director
Mechanical Engineer with extensive industrial supply chain management experience.
Areas of expertise include: Quality Management, Small-scale biomass, Energy use analysis, Planning policies for Renewable Energy, Project management Office, Marketing and Administration.

Andrew Baird
Solar PV professional with c25 years experience designing, specifying and commissioning solar PV installations from large commercial to small domestic.
- Practical and advisory experience of solar PV deployment in small, large and utilityscale including both roof-applied, roof-integrated and ground mounted
- Extensive international network of solar installers, developers, funders and O&M
- Lectured at Dundee University on the role of solar in the transition to an electrified heat,
power and transport system powered by renewables
- Keynote address to APG On Science & Technology (Renewable Energy Debate, 2013):
Redesigning NI’s Energy Architecture
- Extensive understanding of the role of solar, battery storage, behind-the-meter
(demand-side) innovation, and distributed networks
- Deep awareness of regional, national and international trends, barriers and
- Holistic thinker with an understanding of how solar integrates with other renewable
electricity and storage systems

Christina Scott-Barber
Christina works with Tony on sustainability reporting for major clients.

Mark McNally
Mark has an Economics degree and a distinguished track record in the use of IT across many projects from medicine to automotive and latterly has applied his skills to the construction sector.
He is now working with Tony on major project implementation.

Helen Armet
A practiced architect, expert in energy efficiency analysis and fluent in Danish and German.
Helen works closely with Tony and also delivers projects for Business Energy Scotland.

Patrick Casement
Patrick is an ecologist with long experience of practical nature and landscape conservation, planning and the natural environment, and environmental policy and regulation. He has a particular interest in the interface between agriculture and the environment.

Cathy Holmes
Cathy looks after administration for Element.
Cathy uses cloud-based systems such as Xero and Proworkflow to support projects from quote to payment. Use of these systems allows us to manage a de-centralised business with low overheads.

Michael Cooke
Highly qualified mechanical engineer with extensive experience in the insulation industry plus renewable energy technology with hands-on wind turbine experience.

Vil Pilipavicius
Vil is a graduate in water engineering who specialises in the treatment of waste water.
Vil speaks English, Lithuanian and Russian and lives in Scotland.
He is currently working on the treatment of Anaerobic digestate with 2 universities.